10pack 1.54-inch 12864 OLED display modules,white/yellow/blue font colors optional
10pack 1.54-inch 12864 OLED display modules,white/yellow/blue font colors optional
OLED, also known as Organic Light-Emitting Diode, is also known as Organic Electroluminesence Display (OELD). OLED is considered to be the emerging application technology of the next generation of flat panel displays due to its excellent characteristics such as self-illumination, no need for backlight, high contrast, thin thickness, wide viewing angle, fast response speed, flexible panels, wide temperature range, and simple structure and manufacturing process. OLED display technology has the characteristics of self-illumination, using a very thin organic material coating and glass substrate, these organic materials will emit light when an electric current is passed, and the OLED display screen has a large viewing angle and can save electricity.
Dimensions: 47.0(L)x43.0(W)x5.5(H)MM
SIGHT SIZE (VA): 37.0x19.45MM
Driver IC :SSD1309 OR EQU
Product interface: I2C
Display mode: white on black/blue on black/yellow on black
Angle of view: Full viewing angle
Drive voltage 3.0-5.0V
Operating temperature: -40-80°C
Storage temperature: -45-85°C
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