SM12 UV DLP Projector for 4K Resin 3D Printer - SICUBE

Optický film, optický filtr, OLPF

SICUBE má světově nejpokročilejší zařízení pro optické nanášení magnetronovým naprašováním, které zákazníkům poskytuje optické filtry, reflexní desky, dichroické desky, optický nízkopropustný filtr (OLPF) a další produkty pro optické povlaky.

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10pcs M8 Embedded IC Card RFID Reader Module - SICUBE

RFID Card Reader Module

RFID IC Card Reader/Writer Module ,Support Stand Protocols and USB/RS232/TTL Interfaces,Offer High Speed Card Reading and Writing.

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TIR prism and RTIR prism

TIR prism and RTIR prism modules for high accuracy DLP projection system

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USB Camera Module

High Quality but Low Cost USB2.0 Camera Module with Fish eye Lens,Small Size Board,Easy to Install and Offer Big FOV

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  • Why SICUBE launched the Dunhuang aesthetics pho...

    Since China opened up the 144-hour visa-free transit policy, many foreigners have begun to understand and enjoy Chinese culture. The 5,000-year history of Chinese civilization has produced an extremely bright...

    Počet komentářů: 17

    Why SICUBE launched the Dunhuang aesthetics pho...

    Since China opened up the 144-hour visa-free transit policy, many foreigners have begun to understand and enjoy Chinese culture. The 5,000-year history of Chinese civilization has produced an extremely bright...

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  • Introduction of TIR Prism/Totally Reflecting Prism

    TIR prism (total reflection prism) cross-section is usually isosceles right-angle triangle, when the light shoots perpendicularly to a right-angle surface of the prism, the light will be shot into the...

    Počet komentářů: 17

    Introduction of TIR Prism/Totally Reflecting Prism

    TIR prism (total reflection prism) cross-section is usually isosceles right-angle triangle, when the light shoots perpendicularly to a right-angle surface of the prism, the light will be shot into the...

    Počet komentářů: 17
  • What is USB camera module and how to choose the...

    Then the question is how to choose a suitable camera module? Basically, we have to look at three key factors. The first is the focal length of the lens, which...

    Počet komentářů: 20

    What is USB camera module and how to choose the...

    Then the question is how to choose a suitable camera module? Basically, we have to look at three key factors. The first is the focal length of the lens, which...

    Počet komentářů: 20
  • A complete guide of optical TIR prism

    TIR prisms, also known as total reflection prisms, are usually made of optical glass, crystal or other transparent materials, and are made up of two triangular prisms, usually with the...

    Počet komentářů: 21

    A complete guide of optical TIR prism

    TIR prisms, also known as total reflection prisms, are usually made of optical glass, crystal or other transparent materials, and are made up of two triangular prisms, usually with the...

    Počet komentářů: 21
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